Cooperating robots for flexible manufacturing

This book consolidates the current state of knowledge on implementing cooperating robot-based systems to increase the flexibility of manufacturing systems. It is based on the concrete experiences of experts, practitioners, and engineers in implementing cooperating robot systems for more flexible manufacturing systems.

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Path planning of cooperative mobile robots using discrete event model

The book Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models begins with a brief definition of the Path Planning and Motion Control problems and their state of the art. It then presents different types of discrete models such as FSA and PNs.

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Building your own robots Disign and build your frist robot

There's no better way for kids to learn about the world around them than to test how things work. Building Your Own Robots presents fun robotics projects that children aged 7 – 11 can complete with common household items and old toys. The projects introduce core robotics concepts while keeping tasks simple and easy to follow, and the vivid, full-color graphics keep your kid's eyes on the page as they work through the projects.

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Robots, Androids and Animatrons

The cause, purpose and importance of robotics. Techniques, technologies, operating methods, functions and tasks of robots. Research and calculate the assembly of robots with features similar to humans. Projects and issues that need attention in the process of researching and assembling human-like robots.

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Robots and Manufacturing Automation

Introduction to: Getting ready to Automate; Buiding Blocks of Automayion; Mechanization of Parts handling; Automatic Production and Assembly; Numerical control and CAD/CAM; Introductrial Robots; Teaching Robots to do work; machine vision systems; Robot Implementation; Induxtrial Applications of Robots; Industrial logic control systems; Logic Diagramming; Programmable Logic Controllers; In-line computer control; Microprocessors; Computer Integrated; Ethics.

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Mobile Robots: Navigation, Control and Sensing Surface Robots and AUVs

Presents the normal kinematic and dynamic equations for robots, including mobile robots, with coordinate transformations and various control strategies.

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